Maryam R.,
Pharmacist London, UK

"I feel really motivated now after the session!"

When I started the workshop, I didn’t even know the software used. However the instructions and guidance provided during the workshop really helped. I feel more confident to use the GP system on my laptop - I have learnt the technique. I just need to practise more..When we broke into smaller groups because this ensured we got more attention from the instructor and could say if we were stuck (I felt more comfortable). We had thorough explanations to explain the tasks, how to navigate the system and clinical knowledge was provided. I really enjoyed the workshop.It was a great session. As well as learning the new system, I feel more confident in the clinical areas we discussed. I want to do more studying now because I feel really motivated after the session today. 

-10 May 2020

Jenny M.,
Pharmacist GB

"The workshop was very interactive"

I felt more comfortable and confident being able to use the GP system on the laptops as it takes off the pressure of learning by scratch in a GP practice!I liked that the workshop was very interactive and personal.Would recommend to others.Thank you both for such a great session. I also feel more confident in the clinical areas discussed and I feel a lot more motivated going forward.

-10 May 2020

Kate C.,
Pharmacist GB

"Gives you a good sense of what to expect in a GP surgery"

The knowledge of the presenters and tips they passed on, the chance to have a practice at using GP software with real problems to give me a sense of what I might do if I get to work in a GP practice was great.

Thank you for a great workshop. I feel like I learned a lot of really useful tips and it was great to meet you all x

-10 May 2020

Michael M.,
Pharmacist GB

"Good confidence boost"

The clinical topics covered were very detailed and gave a renewed confidence in the ability to move from community pharmacy to a GP setting. And it was a great practice to be able to use the GP system. Thank you both very much. 

-17 May 2020

Dolly S.,
Pharmacist London, UK

"Great discussions!"

I really enjoyed the workshop, learned a lot! The best part was completing the tasks and discussing possible correct options and how to make decisions.Wish you all good luck in your journey ahead.

-13 May 2020

Meera P.,
Pharmacist London, UK

"It has been really valuable"

The programme is really great because it allows you to have the hands on experience of using the system prior to working in a surgery setting. It advances your skill set and makes you feel more confident about both approaching GP practices and working with their in house systems. On a personal level it really helped me identify my own learning needs where I feel I need to refresh my knowledge.Thank you for a great session! You put in a lot of time and effort into the training. It's been really valuable :)

-11 May 2020

Jantinder K.,
Pharmacist West London, UK

"Wonderful use of technology"

Wonderful use of technology and very well delivered. Thanks so much. Hope you are very successful in your innovative business. 

-31 May 2020

Angela C.,
Pharmacist London, UK

"Practice on a real system"

I love the fact that it was interactive and we could actually practice on a real system. I wish I had more time for preparation. 

-31 May 2020

Alaa B.,
Pharmacist London, UK

"Most productive Sunday"

Great learning how to use the system. This is the most productive Sunday I've had in a while.

-31 May 2020

Sharmila K.,
Pharmacist Bolton, UK

"Has definitely laid good foundations for practice"

Well structured and informative - with a bit more practice and furthering the knowledge by using the reference sources will enable the delivery of the service in a safe manner. Has definitely laid good foundations for practice.

-03 June 2020

Umat K.,
Pharmacist Colchester, UK

"Interactive delivery"

Interactive delivery method was the best part of the session. Having less people attending at the same time would be even better. It was a very informative session.

-31 May 2020

Kamran M.,
Pharmacist London, UK

"Well structure and executed."

Thoroughly covering key everyday drugs/conditions and their monitoring. Well structure and executed. One thing I've realised now is, I need to do a lot for work.

-31 May 2020